Valenzia Lafratta, Docente di Disegno anatomico, Corso di illustrazione e Animazione, IED Roma
Esperimenti di anatomia artistica
October 23 - December 4, 2019
Valenzia Laffratta, professor of anatomical drawing, illustration and animation course, IED Rome. Arranged around the model, the students get a vision of the object of study as a whole. Then a detail triggers the urgency to draw. First there is the observation, then the hand which interprets it. They peruse the figure, their eyes sliding over the body, diving into the shadows and rising into the lights. One of them explores a detail, another endeavours to render it in a code of signs. The eye thinks and the hand speaks. It is a way of reasoning and acting at the same time, a particular language which needs daily practice. The ability to draw and a knowledge of anatomy are fundamental bases for expressing oneself in the various figurative fields. Life drawing is for the figurative arts what writing is for all forms of literature.